SYNCED: Sermons on Church

Following the Way of Jesus is an activity, not an idea. It's something we do alone and in a community. That community is called the Church. Even though we are journeying together, the Way can be difficult because we are unfinished, broken, imperfect, out-of-sync people. Gathered up with other people we're supposed to love but don't always like, we realize that who we want to be (our beliefs) and who we are (our actions) don't always match. This is a problem.

No matter how hard we try, we can't fix the incongruity on our own.

Synced is a series of sermons about Church. For five weeks, the sermons will begin in the same place - Colossians 3: 12-17. Between the lines of this brief letter to a local church is evidence of a community that is out-of-sync. Their activities conflict with their beliefs. They are not one.

Our church isn't in conflict, but just like the Colossian church, we are new. Their correspondence can inform us while we compose our own local definition of 'church' in light of these  questions:

  • Who are we?
  • Where do we come from?
  • Who will we be?

Following the Way of Jesus invites questions and leads to truth. As a community and as a Church, let's depart again for another journey and remain open to the familiar, uncommon, and surprising places we end up.

The Schedule

December 30 - SYNCED with Compassion

January 6 - SYNCED with Forgiveness

January 13 - SYNCED with Peace

January 20 - SYNCED with Gratitude

January 27 - SYNCED with Everything