A Worried Parent's Guide to yOUTH Faith Formation

Worried Parent: Dawn, what is the single most important thing I can do to encourage my teenager to grow their faith in God?

Dawn: Make me brownies. 

Worried Parent: Ghirardelli or regular?

Dawn: Ghirardelli. 

Worried Parent: They'll be at your house by Thursday.

We know there is no quick fix to the vows we took at your kid's baptism to share our faith with them, and yet, there are simple steps we can take that will have a lasting impact on faith formation.

One of these steps for me growing up was going to Montreat Youth Conferences in the summer. It is a week away from home where youth have time and space to ask questions, bond with other youth from across the country and play in the mountains.

The conference leadership is always great and still today, I walk away thinking about scripture and the world differently. It would be a stretch to say that Montreat changed my life, but it definitely impacted who I am today. 

What is Montreat?

Montreat is a dot on a map, just outside of Asheville, NC. It’s also a college, camp and conference center.

When is the youth conference?

The Montreat High School conference for rising 9th through graduated 12th grades. It's from June 10-16. 

The Montreat Middle School conference, for rising 5th through graduated 8th grades, is July 18-22. 

How much does it cost?

The cost is about $500/ youth. This covers the retro bus, the roof over your head, three gourmet meals a day, the conference cost, and the time and attention of some of the coolest people you know. You'll need to pay a deposit of $300 by February 23, and the remainder by March 16.

Where do I list my allergies?

Montreat crosses all their “t’s” and dots all their “i’s.” Trust us, it’s coming.

What if I can’t recite my favorite bible verse?

It won’t be criteria for dodgeball team selections, shower line up, or riding shotgun. We think you’ll be o.k.

Is there gonna be a Friday night dance?

I think there is one on Wednesday. Don’t hold me to it. 

How do I sign up?

Complete this simple form and pay your $300 deposit online - it's that easy.