
Lent In My Coffee started last year about this time. It was a seven week study of Jayber Crow, a novel by Wendell Berry.  

After seven weeks of meeting every Thursday morning through Easter, a righteous remnant of the original group determined to keep going, to keep reading, and meeting to discuss how the stories, characters, and places contained in the novels they read together supported and challenged their faith.

In true DOWNTOWN CHURCH style, the group held it together on the sly, without asking for permission because they knew they didn't need it. What started as a church program during a churchy time of the year, remained just as vital once the officially sanctioned program ended.

We don't want to get in their way, but we can help by sharing the good news that Lent in My Coffee still remains open.

Below is the schedule for the next three months. Come to one, or all of the gatherings at The Spot on Blanding (intergalactic headquarters of DOWNTOWN CHURCH) from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30. 

March 8 - Night by Elie Wiesel
April 12 - A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
May 10 - Peace Like a River by Leif Enger

Do this if:

  • you can't join a Home Group because most of them meet at night
  • you are averse to long-term commitments and need the flexibility to skip a month without feeling guilty
  • you believe all the generations learn when they make time to be together

Don't do this if:

  • you only want to be with people just like you
  • you don't like to read fiction
  • you are grouchy in the mornings
NEWS + EVENTSDTClent, coffee, learn