DTK Lesson | 4.5.20

Matthew 21:1-11

Today is Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter when we commemorate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.  Today’s scripture comes from Matthew 21:1-11. It describes what Jesus’ actual walk into the town of Jerusalem probably looked like. 

It was the beginning of the week and Passover was about to be celebrated in Jerusalem.  Passover is the Jewish festival to remember the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt. 

During Passover all the people of Israel were supposed to make a trip to the temple in Jerusalem.  

Jesus and his disciples were walking towards Jerusalem.  When they were about 2 miles away from the city, Jesus sent two of the disciples ahead to get a donkey for him to ride the rest of the way into the city.   It’s pretty interesting that they had walked the entire way by foot, but when they approached Jerusalem, Jesus chose to ride into the city on a donkey.  

There is a good explanation for this.  It had been prophesied years before that.  A prophet had said:

“Tell the people of Jerusalem,

    ‘Your king is coming to you.

He is gentle and riding on a donkey.

    He is on the colt of a donkey.’”  Isaiah 62:11; Zechariah 9:9

This is the day, Palm Sunday, that prophecy was fulfilled!

When Jesus got the donkey, the disciples threw coats on it, helped Jesus get on it, and they all headed towards the city.  Jesus rode into Jerusalem and the crowds who always followed Jesus were there cheering, waving palm branches, and shouting “Hosanna!” It was a remarkable parade!

Up until this time Jesus and the miraculous things Jesus did were kept pretty quiet.  Jesus didn’t brag about any of it. As a matter of fact sometimes after Jesus would perform a miracle or do something special for someone, Jesus would say, “Don’t tell anyone.”  Why do you think that is?

Jesus’ followers were pretty quiet too.  They would watch these wonderful things happen, but they wouldn’t publically shout out what they had seen. They kept mostly anything about Jesus quiet. Why do you think that is?  (Hint: Remember the other kings?)

On Palm Sunday they all changed. Jesus proclaimed, “I am King,” which Jesus had never really done before.  Jesus' followers yelled and screamed and proclaimed Jesus king, even though they had never done that before AND they knew it was pretty dangerous to do so. Why do you think they did it anyway?

Jesus knew that this ride into the city was probably going to be the last joyful ride He would ever make. Jesus knew that soon He would die. But Jesus also knew that this death had to happen in order to get to the real purpose of this death - salvation for us all!  Without Palm Sunday and the week that followed where Jesus healed people, demanded justice, got arrested and later crucified, there would be no Easter and Jesus would not defeat death and rise again.

Jesus did a really courageous thing for you and me and everybody else.  Jesus rode into a town knowing full well he was going to die there. Think about how that must have felt.  There was no other way for things to happen though. Jesus had to ride into Jerusalem to start all the things that led to the crucifixion and the resurrection.  The resurrection ultimately gave us hope in Jesus, saved us from our sins, and gave us the promise of eternal life. So, some really, really bad things led to the very best things!

We cannot really skip past the steps that have to be taken to get from one thing to the next.  You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk. You have to lose your baby teeth before you can get your permanent set.  You have to finish first grade before you can move on to second grade. In the same way, Jesus had to die before Jesus could be resurrected.

  • How will knowing that we have to go through some bad things to get to some good things, help you when you encounter trouble?

  • Jesus rode into Jerusalem knowing He was going to die to pay for our sins.  How does that make you feel? What would you do for Jesus if Jesus asked you for something in return?



Palm leaves are often used as a symbol for commemorating Palm Sunday.  Think of other things that you have learned about what happened the day Jesus traveled to Jerusalem.  What are some other things that can be symbols for Palm Sunday? Using pencils, markers, crayons or any other art supplies that you have at home, draw at least one new symbol for Palm Sunday.  Share your artwork with someone special. Take a picture of it and post it on the DTK Facebook page. 

Think about what the parade into Jerusalem might have looked like.  What do you think the people did? Have a parade in your house or outside.  What will you wave other than palm leaves? You could wave clothes - in fact most people took off their outer coats and placed them down like a red carpet for Jesus.  Take turns walking through the parade like Jesus.

How can you decorate an area for Palm Sunday?  You can add greenery to the front porch or other places in your home or yard.  You can even make your own palm leaves from construction paper. Share your creativity  with us. Take a picture of it and post it on the DTK Facebook page.