Online Giving is Now Available

There will be more for us to say about this later, but we did want to alert all our supporters that online giving is now available. After researching the possible options, we concluded that Paypal would serve as our vendor. We will soon add an option to set up recurring gifts of an amount that you can determine, but for now we have set up four options for recurring gifts and one option for one time gifts. You can give here. And our FAQ for online giving is here. We are also preparing our financial records to post online including personnel costs for our ordained staff. Yes, that is somewhat strange for a church to do, but we feel that offering more information than usual is the wisest course.

God has offered us a vision for a new church in Downtown Columbia. Yet all the churchy talk about vision is just talk, if we don't have money to support the work.

Pray for us, tell our story to others, invite your friends to church, and then invest some of your money in our future. In return we commit to always give you the full story on how your money is being spent and we commit to never ask for more than you are able to give.