SERMON SERIES | A Summer of Rest

This summer we are playing with the theme of rest. God rests after creation. God marks rest as holy (Genesis 2:3). Jesus invites us away to rest in him (Matthew 11:28-29). The call to rest is holy. The definition of rest… depends on who you ask. 

Some of us find rest in a good book on a couch.
Some of us find rest playing golf… or watching golf on TV.
Some of us find rest in physical movement at the gym or mowing the yard.
Some of us find rest in creative projects.
Some of us find rest at parties with friends.
Some of us find rest when we get to be alone. 

This summer, we’ll be exploring this theme together. How does God define rest? How does God take rest? Why do we think God rests? And why might God want us to rest?

Bring your curiosity, your yearning, your resistance, and your hope. 

We’ll see you on Sundays at 10 am. 

If you’re looking for more…. Our staff compiled a list of reading materials, a podcast, and a spotify playlist if you want to engage yourself in these ways. 

DTC Music playlist on rest

Tricia Hersey’s book Rest is Resistance

Judith Shulevitz’s The Sabbath World (main point - “You can’t do rest yourself. It’s too radical of a practice to do single-handedly. We don’t just need rest, we need cultures of rest.” - Mary Nickel, Theologian in Residence) 

Here’s an interview Judith Shulevitz did w Ezra Klein about the book. 

Kathryn Tanner’s Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism, which reimagines Max Weber’s classic volume. (“It’s pretty technical, but if you want to look at the latest and the greatest from the world’s foremost theologians on the topic, her book is it.”)

You Can’t Optimize For Rest. L.M. Sacasas Newsletter about Technology and Culture.