EASTER | Services

When: March 31

6:30am | Sunrise Service by the pond at Bullstreet
9:00 + 10:30am | Worship on the back Lawn

What can I expect at the 6:30am service?
The sun will rise, a smaller crowd, no coffee or cookies will be served, and Downtown kids (DTK) is not offered since the meet up is by the pond at Bullstreet. There are two big trees near the side walk, across from the old Blanding Building meet us there on the pond side. 

If I come to Church before the sun is up, should I bring a chair?  
Yes! Bring a chair or blanket to sit on during this quiet, service of reflection. BYOC has a triple meaning for this service: bring your own chair, bring your own coffee, bring your own cookies. :)

What is happening at the 9:00 + 10:30am services?
The sun will be up, larger crowd, usual style of worship service. We will worship outside on the back lawn. You can expect plenty of folding chairs out to sit on. You can bring your own chair if you want to, but it is not necessary. Cookies and coffee on the courtyard and DTK for the kiddos in the DTK rooms. If the weather is looking like rain, we will move the 9:00 + 10:30am services inside. Check our website and socials for minute by minute updates on our plan. 

Do I need to wear pastel? 
Absolutely not. You wear whatever makes you feel best or whatever matches your
color season. 

Will I find any Easter eggs on the back lawn?
If you do, please let us know, because we didn't put them there.