GIVE | Money Update

It’s almost that time of year when… 

  • You plan to spend every Saturday at the home football game

  • your financial advisor wants to get on your calendar

  • you look at your fall sweaters, but know you can’t wear them yet because it’s still too warm

At DOWNTOWN CHURCH, it’s that time when we share our budget.
We dig transparency, so here are the numbers.

Our operating budget for 2023 is $1,116,000. As of August 1, we have brought in $585,000 in offerings. This is a normal pattern for us, that we fall behind our budget in the summer and then catch up in the fall. We need your help to catch up on cash flow.

Where are we investing?
In our youth, tiny theologians, mission, and music.

How does the event rental factor into the budget?
Up to 10% of our budget can come from event rentals.

I want to help, how do I give a year end gift to support my church?  

Click here to give.

Contact Susanna Young ( for stock transfer, IRA distribution, donor advised funds, leave a legacy, or other strategic ways to give.