KNOW l Preacher's Salary

The list below represents the compensation package the membership of DOWNTOWN CHURCH will vote to affirm on the recommendation of the session at our congregational meeting this Sunday. If you are surprised to see this information shared on the internets, then keep reading past the math.

Professional Expenses

Cash Salary (taxable)

Housing Allowance

SECA Tax reimbursement

Pension and Medical Benefits

Total 2020 Compensation

If you're asking yourself why in the world your church posts the pastor's compensation packages online, then keep reading. If not, stop and grab a snack and click next to another post.

These days, institutions large and small are concerned with transparency. Public trust of institutions has steadily declined since the 1970's. Historically, the Church has joined may institutions by taking the public's trust for granted.

At DOWNTOWN CHURCH, we continue to try another way. The founding pastor Amos Disasa and the first session of DOWNTOWN CHURCH made a pact to share the pastor's terms of call online. You can read Amos' first post here. In an effort to keep with our tradition of telling the truth, all of it, whenever possible, we will continue to post the pastor's terms of call on the internet before you the people vote on it.

Dawn Hyde