The Session of DOWNTOWN CHURCH has called a congregational meeting to be held on November 18, immediately after the 10:30 worship service for the purpose of electing new elders.

The leadership team of a healthy church requires just the right mix personalities, gifts, and skills. Our leaders are called "ruling elders". Together with the co-pastors, the ruling elders make up the Session. The Session meets monthly to conduct the official business of the church.

In the Presbyterian Church, we are guided and governed by the congregation in a “representative” form of government.  Elders are elected to serve three year terms. Each year, a class of Elders rolls off of the Session to allow for fresh faces from the congregation to serve.

The Congregational Nominating Committee has completed it’s work for this year and is prepared to present four DOWNTOWN CHURCH members to be considered by you to serve as a ruling elder in the Class of 2021.

Come to the meeting and vote.