BLOG | Always Be Switching

Many of my friends and family give me a hard time for persistently switching stuff up. I agree with the critiques. Changing what seems just fine is a habit I'm learning to live with.

You can find evidence of this idiosyncracy at DOWNTOWN CHURCH. Switching it up, for better or worse, is part of our culture.

One reason why it's so fun and easy to make change happen at DTC is because of the people that work here. They are undettered by anything new and are crafty enough to do excellent work even when their pencils are in new places and the name of the wifi network has changed yet again.

And so, in honor of them being so cool, we commissioned a new design for our staff page. The bios were updated to sound less sanitized and more like the clowns that work here. The headshots were replaced with custom sketches by our Illustrator, Maria Fabrizio. It's all worth checking out when you need a break from watching YouTube videos at work.

And if you are curious about the sketches, they were not computer generated. Maria did each without lifting her pencil from the paper. Yep, it's one continous line.